Pink Cloud
A Storm Approaches
There are also some good items found in this area like Poo's Bracer of Kings. There is a butterfly to help you replenish your PP along the way.
One of the items you'll find is a Rock Candy which is a great item to use the condiment trick with.
You can use either Sugar Packets or Jars of Delisauce for this. Fill up the inventory of the hero that has it and Give the Rock Candy to the same character so that it is the last item in your inventory list.
Use the Rocky Candy with the condiment and you will notice that the condiment is gone but the Rock Candy is there still. Repeat the above as many times as you like for some big stat increases. Just keep in mind that if a stat reaches 255 and you increase it one more, it will roll back down to 0, be careful!